EMMA PR, forms apart of all EMMA’s work, that is predominantly a full service media company, that works with leading companies to supply the best service for its clients whether Governmental & Corporate. We have successfully done this since 1997, with a pioneering approach, to create a Multicultural approach. Sadly, many organisations don’t understand proper “Multiculturalism” hence it is based around tolerance not acceptance. The divide amongst communities, then still persists, with a short-sighted approach that any ‘Ethnic Minority’ can do this job, because their face fits. It’s this stereo-typical, assumption that has led to a divided approach of them and us, fuelling a race-industry that ensures division. The English Dictionary, definition of, ‘Multiculturalism’, stated as “is a situation in which all the different cultural or racial groups in a society have equal rights and opportunities, and none is ignored or regarded as unimportant”. Sadly, the only reason “Multiculturalism”, has deemed to fail as headlines will have it known, is due to the lack of engagement with organisations like EMMA. The assumption, that one Ethnic group fits all, only creates greater alienation, amongst the many invisible Minorities. This creates an even greater confusing situation, whereby internal racism amongst Ethnic group appears, but covered up due to any clear embarrassment. The need to get “Multiculturalism” right, is extremely crucial, to avoid the “Ghettoisation” of communities through a stereo-type approach as the norm in the past – it has led to increasing racism, extremism and also terrorism. The fact, EMMA had pioneered a ground breaking awards ceremony that was on National Television (BBC & ITV), showcasing proper “Multiculturalism” led to a better understanding – hence forming the back-drop to The 2012 Multicultural Olympic Games. EMMA has undertaken many Social Cohesion Ad campaigns, which have won many global awards. Alongside, its continuous lobbying, where they organised a conference after the London 2011 riots, to save 2012 Olympic Games. EMMA has helped to enhance the “British Multicultural brand” globally. EMMA services: strategic communication and advice; cross-cultural marketing and public relations; business to business strategies; marketing and corporate communications; crisis communications planning and support; public relations campaign for private and public bodies; public affairs (lobbying), print, design & production; community relations/advice & counsel; guerrilla marketing planning; brand & identity development; design interactive media; full adverting strategy; event design and execution; festival planning/organising/campaign; conference and exhibition management; TV & Film production (pre/post); media training & developing lifestyle brands aimed at a Multicultural audience that’s urban based EMMA clients: BT, BBC, ITV, NatWest, UBS, National Power, Dept. for Trade & Industry, University of London, University of Kingston, Government of Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, World Cup Cricket 1996, Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens), UK Film Council, London Development Authority, Commonwealth Memorial Gates etc. In line with our Multicultural aims, have a feature Film in production, Fatherland.